KCCure, the Kidney Cancer Research Alliance, was founded by three dedicated individuals who have each been personally impacted by kidney cancer. Seeing a need for research funding, the three came together on a rainy day in March 2016 to establish the Kidney Cancer Research Alliance (“KCCure”). Their mission is to make sure that kidney cancer specialists have a dedicated funding stream for their research.
Susan Poteat is a caregiver to her husband who was diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2007. In addition to being a tireless advocate for her husband, Susan is revered in the patient community as the go-to person for quality information on treatment options and clinical trials.
Dr. Hans Hammers is the co-leader of the kidney cancer program at UTSouthwestern. While he’s known in the medical community for his research, he’s beloved by the cancer community for his dedication to his patients.
Dena Battle was a caregiver to her late husband who died of kidney cancer at the age of 45. Following his death, she dedicated herself to making a difference to others who faced a similar diagnosis.
A cure starts with research. And research begins with KCCure.