November is National Family Caregivers month – a time to honor kidney cancer caregivers. At KCCure, we routinely are asked how we can do more for caregivers. It’s a great question and part of our core mission.
First and foremost, we’re working to highlight the diversity of roles in the caregiver experience. If we’re going to help people – it’s crucial that we know who we are helping and what their needs are.
While the majority of kidney cancer caregivers are spouses – more than 35 percent of our caregiver population include people caring for someone other than a spouse. They are children caring for aging parents, parents caring for adult children, siblings caring for one another and friends caring for friends.
KCCure is working to highlight the unique profiles of caregivers so that we can better meet the needs of our entire patient population. This last week, we met with doctors, nurses, and industry partners from around the globe to highlight these important facts and encourage others to create materials designed to empower ALL of our caregivers.
We will also be continuing to profile caregivers through our Patient Story section to help raise awareness. Do you have a story to share? Send us an e-mail at info@kccure.org. We’d love to hear it and share it!
Are you a caregiver in need of support? Join our KCCure caregiver community to connect and learn from others.