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Patient Stories

Reasons for Today – Thirsty for Life


With drought comes quenching one’s thirst when we need it. We have somewhat of a long lasting drought here in my little part of Georgia, and my bird bath is my little Serengeti drinking area. Many birds at the same time join together to quench their thirst and then go back to their day.

Isn’t it nice to visit and chat with others that know what you are going through? We are thirsty for information and appreciate warmth and knowledge from KCCure and all the friends that participate with advice and love.

My little Robin friend is probably chilly on this morning, but he is thirsty so he must get up and out. Just like our lives with kidney cancer. If you are thirsty to live, get up and out, stretch that body and look around to all the possibilities and blessings you have in your life. Drink often and quench your thirst for life. We are here to help.

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Holly Johnston is an 11-year kidney cancer survivor, a photographer and writer, and a lover of life.

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