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KCCure interviews Dr. Mike Atkins about the TIVO-3 trial

KCCure talks with Dr. Michael Atkins, Deputy Director of the Georgetown-Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center in Washington, DC about the TIVO-3 trial and what it means for kidney cancer patients.

Of Clinical Trials and Vampires

Why do phlebotomists take all that blood after an infusion?

Shoes and Kidney Cancer Clinical Trials

I have a confession to make. I have a slight obsession with shoes...and kidney cancer clinical trials. They're not just for special occasions.

No New Kidney Cancer Trials…Again

A search of National Cancer Institute website shows no new kidney cancer trials anywhere in the United States, same as last week. It's time to fund new research.

Phase 1 – In Search of Miracles

Even with tough cancers like kidney cancer, we can see miracles. In genetics research, we are seeing the miracle of the blueprint of cancer slowly unfolding.

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