KCCure Research Funds
Kidney Cancer is not one disease – and people are impacted by a diagnosis in many different ways. We strive to ensure that our research funding is directed toward goals that are meaningful to all of the patients and families we represent. As a donor, you have the opportunity to direct your contribution toward a number of different focus areas.

Chromophobe Kidney Cancer Research
Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma (ChRCC) is a rare subtype of kidney cancer accounting for about 5 percent of RCC tumors. While ChRCC is less likely to metastasize than clear cell RCC, when it does spread it is difficult to treat. There are fourteen FDA approved treatments for advanced kidney cancer, yet there are no specific guidelines for how to treat ChRCC. Donations to the Chromophobe Kidney Cancer Research Fund can help change that.

Papillary Kidney Cancer Research
Ten to fifteen percent of patients with RCC will be diagnosed with papillary RCC. This rare subtype of kidney cancer can be broken down into different types, type 1 and type 2. While significant advances have occurred in papillary RCC, there are still are no specific treatment recommendations for this type of kidney cancer. Donations to the Papillary Kidney Cancer Research Fund will drive research to this rare type of kidney cancer.

Translocation Kidney Cancer Research
Translocation renal cell carcinoma (TRCC) is a very rare subtype of kidney cancer occurring in only 3 to 4 percent of patients. This type of cancer is more commonly found in children, however it is now being increasingly diagnosed in adults – where the disease is more likely to be aggressive and difficult to treat. Despite significant advances in kidney cancer research, little is known about this rare subtype and there are no guideline recommended treatments. You can help give hope to patients with this rare disease by funding research for TRCC.

Kidney Cancer Research Fund
This year, more than 15,000 people in the United States will die from kidney cancer. Despite advances in research, kidney cancer remains the deadliest of all urological malignancies. Donations to the kidney cancer research fund will go toward driving high-risk high-reward research aimed at finding cures for metastatic disease.

Localized Kidney Cancer Research
Two thirds of kidney cancer patients will be diagnosed with localized disease – cancer that is confined to the kidney. While surgery is curative for most patients – between 20 and 40 percent of patients will face recurrence in their lifetime. Even though this patient population represents the largest group of kidney cancer patients – little research is focused on improving outcomes. Donations to the Localized Disease Fund will go toward filling important gaps in care, including increased diagnostic accuracy through advanced imaging, improved surveillance strategies, and enhanced profiling to understand patients most at risk for recurrent disease.
KCCure is a Virginia based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our tax ID number is 81-2067843